"...After completing a federal contract to build America's next generation energy and transportation technologies, our team were promised a factory contract, and funding, to deliver these low-cost, hyper-efficient, job-building, clean solutions to every American.

We were lied to and defrauded. We found out that crooked politicians had secretly arranged to give our money and contracts to their best friends. That is a felony crime that abuses quite a few State and federal RICO, Anti-Trust laws, Quid-Pro-Quo laws, the public and the roots of Democracy..

We found out, thanks to FBI, OSC, GAO, OMB and private investigators, that each of the jurisdictional Senators and related politicians were engaged in crimes. Investigators have not found a single political entity in this case  who was not either: financed by, friends with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, making profits by consulting for, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; one of those business adversaries, or the Senators and politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political search engine manipulation services to.

We were lied to by government representatives who said we could make "hundreds of millions of dollars in sales profits and carbon credits sales" if we invested millions of dollars of our resources and years of our lives in America. We were induced to invest. We invested but those representatives knew they had already hard-wired the funds to our competitors. Those "representatives" were Senators and government agency bosses who were financed by, friends with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, making profits by consulting for, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; one of those business adversaries, or the Senators and politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political search engine manipulation services to.

Our product and services metrics beat those of every other competitor. We won on every comparison item except we refused to pay the bribes and cooperate with the illegal quid-pro-quo demands.

We found that mega-insider law firms like Covington, MoFo, Wilson Sonsini, Perkins and others operate a cartel of political appointee placements via quid-pro-quo deals, black-lists and manipulation of public policy and policy decisions via covert perks and payola schemes.

We found out how insider stock trading between politicians and tech companies is the largest form of corruption in America.

We found out who the top 200 dirty politicians, corrupt investment bankers and tech oligarchs were that operated the scheme. We found out thanks to some FBI, GAO, Congressional and Media investigators. The evidence and financial tracking software proves it. The quid-pro-quo tracks back to each and every one of their stock market, i-bank and estate accounts.

You, the public, have found out that DOJ & FBI officials manipulated Democracy to put a hit-job on a President of the United States. We found out that the Department of Energy and the State Department did the same thing WITH help from a previous White House. Congress has proven that these things did happen. Our federal court records prove it to an even greater degree.

We have filed reports and charges with every law enforcement and regulatory agency in the nation...but, as anyone can see from today's headlines, cover-ups abound! We found out that, at every agency: one third of the people are crooks, one third of the people are good worker bees and one third of the people are Elliot Ness-class superheros. We found out that it only takes a handful of the superhero-type staffers to offset or shut-down the crooked ones. We have been sticking with the Elliot Ness-ers! Together, we, and the public, can crush the nuts of the corrupt!

We have listed and documented the time-stamped moment, and each official by name, that we reported the corruption to. Those who ran stone-wall delay's and cover-ups have been fired and/or placed under FBI-class investigation, financial monitoring and stock ownership surveillance. There have been millions of news reports about them. They can no longer hide!

Now it is up to the public to run the crooks out of public policy!..."